
my words

Month: October, 2014



The decision made,

All things moved into perfect alignment.

World follows desire of the heart,

The truest passions:

I am coming to you,

My journey, my soul, my home.

Neither distance, or barren plain, or jagged mountain

Offers resistance.

Oh! How you sang to me –

Your trees, your river, and your days and nights

All chanting of the divine!

I catch echoes of that song

In all my hours and dreams

‘Tho surrounded by streets and bricks

Of this graveyard metropolis.

You possess me, a call I cannot ignore,

To come, and become.

So, in all ways and places,

This journey is made manifest

And what will be uncovered and birthed

Is of no more consequence

Than the obstacles and excuses

That once seemed so very real,

Yet melted away

Once desire set intention

into heavenly motion.


#tsu #poetry #boise #idaho #herosjourney #writing #mountain#shawnallen330

Those Eyes


Looking into those eyes

Broke my heart a little.

I could see the pain

That made you glorious,

And I knew

Even that was meant

For another…

#tsu #jointsu #shawnallen #poetry

your hand


I want to feel your hand in mine,

Warm, as it once was,

Not this cold drawing away.

On days like these,

Damp, Autumn days,

I miss you most of all.

#tsu #poetry #shawnallen

from a Work In Progress


I exist.
I am complete
yet ever evolving,
I am perfection
still and always perfecting.
I am only “now”
tho’ experienced.
I am awake
yet always dreaming.
I am open
and forever blooming.
I am solid
still, Life may enter.
I am broken
in brokenness, whole.
I know time
but am eternal.
I am human
with power divine.
I am all this
and I am All,
I exist.